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What should I know before wearing compression socks

There are a lot of myths about how to wear compression socks, but the truth is that most people don’t know how to use them properly.

Most people believe you have to put on your entire leg and tighten it so much that it cuts off circulation. But this isn’t true! You should only wrap the foot with the sock, then slowly work your way up from there. If you feel any discomfort or pain at all, stop wrapping and find a new place for the bandage. Remember, if it hurts, don’t do it!

Many people think they can only wear compression socks while sitting down or sleeping. This isn’t true either! The best time is right before bed, but you can also wear them while standing or even walking around. This is a great way to ease tired legs after a long day of work,

What are compression socks?

Compression socks are tight, elastic garments that are worn on the lower leg. They are used to help improve circulation in the legs and can be prescribed by a doctor if you have evidence of blood clotting problems. Compression socks come in different lengths, shapes, thicknesses and colors.

How to wear them properly?

The first step is to only wrap the foot with the sock, then slowly work your way up from there. You should feel some firmness while wearing these, but no discomfort or pain. If you feel any pain at all stop wrapping and find a new location for the bandage. As you start to wrap, don’t rely on your hands and try to keep them at your side. This will allow you to use your feet to glide up your leg, find more about this.

When to wear them?

A common mistake people make with compression socks is wearing them all day long. This is actually not the best time to wear them, as they are designed to be worn at the end of the day or while you will be sitting for a long time. If you’re wearing them during the day and notice pain or discomfort, stop and find another location for your bandages. Depending on whether your doctor prescribes them, these can be worn up to 18 hours at a time during the day (a doctor will usually recommend that you take them off while sleeping). If not prescribed by a doctor, these can be worn for around 10 hours.

Things to know before wearing them

There some consideration to think about before wearing compression socks:

– You can wear them during the day, but it’s best to put them on before bedtime. Otherwise, you may experience some discomfort and pain.

– If you’re prescribed compression socks, always check with your doctor before actually starting to wear compression socks.

– Never wear compression socks while running or walking for more than one mile without taking a break. If you have any circulatory conditions, consult your doctor about the best way to wear these so as not to cause more problems.

– If you’re wearing them during the day and notice pain or discomfort, stop and find another location for your bandages.


If you are suffering from circulation problems, varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis then wearing compression socks can be a great way to manage your condition. It is important that you wear them correctly and at the right time in order for it to have its full benefits. We hope this post has helped answer any questions about what should I know before wearing compression socks!